Where has the summer gone?

Hello, hello!!!  How are you, friends???  Where has the summer gone???  I can't quite grasp that we are well into August already....it feels like the summer just began.  Sigh.  It's been a summer of transition around here.  Getting used to a new routine (or lack of one, if I'm to be completely honest).  I am still working to find my "groove"....I want to get more done in a day...that's just who I am.  I know one thing for sure.....there's too much online dawdling.  I need to limit that. Less gawking at the phone, and mindlessly searching on the laptop. And less TV, more quiet.

In addition, much of our time and energy this summer has been spent on our youngest....our son is heading off to college next week.  Not "off" to college in the traditional sense....as he will be living at home....but still.  It's huge, and it's awesome.

The current goal I'm working towards is just MAKING.  Painting canvases, and making things.  I hope to have a body of work by later this fall that will make a nice display so I can get some new booth shots and photographs of work to be submitted for the 2017 show season. I think I'm ready to give a few shows a try. I'm also planning some adventures this fall, which I'll share more in depth later on.  I'm BUSTING out of my comfort zone, BIG TIME this year.  Oh my!!  Stay tuned!!!

We got back to hosting our Art Journal Junkies Hangout this month, at the Hiawatha Public Library...FUN!  Great to see all those ladies again, and we had some newbies join us as well!  We have committed to a few more gatherings before the end of the year.

One good habit I feel I've developed is "warming up" in my journal before moving on to the larger projects.  Some weird little faces have been popping up, in addition to some funny flowers....here's a peek....

 I really love her.  I sketched her face on an old book page, collaged her into my book, and started painting!

My thoughts on the election coming up: "The best they had to offer?"

 This page was SO MUCH FUN!  Inspired by my class with Ardith Goodwin.

I'm obsessed with flowers lately too.  Unrealistic, weird ones are best...working on that.

Cheers, friends!  Until next time!!!  XOXO!