Greetings from LaLa Land!!!!

Papa and I in our chilly booth at Rivertown Art Festival

Howdy pals!!!  Good grief!  It's the middle of October??? What???  I don't know what to do with that information yet.  This year has WHIZZED by us!!!!  What's new with you?  Are you enjoying fall?  We just got done with a rainy spell here in Iowa....and now it's turning chilly.  We spent the weekend doing a little yard clean up...but there's still SO MUCH TO DO.  ARGH. 

We were in the lovely town of Stillwater, MN last weekend for the Rivertown Art Festival.  Can you see in that pic that Papa is wearing FOUR LAYERS?  Yes, indeed.  It didn't get above 50 degrees, and we rarely saw the sun.  But, BIG THANKS to the brave, strong souls who did make it out for the show.  We appreciate it! 

Today is all about computer work.  I'm trying to organize myself (a constant battle) on the laptop.  I'm sorting through images, deciding what will become something....what to save, what to pitch....and creating new virtual folders so I can find things a little more easily.  Last year I started really documenting all of the art that I make....and I'm proud to say, I've made a lot!!!  Now there is a lot to sift through.  A good task for a chilly day.

Bosco peeking from under the skirted studio table
Bosco is still my constant companion in the studio...supervising, begging for treats, making me laugh on the daily.  That boy!!!!!

I hope this finds you happy and well, and drinking warm tea, if it's needed. 
Hugs, Dori