"What She Said" Painting Challenge #17

Happy Halloween friends!  It doesn't feel like Halloween today....we are under a blanket of several inches of snow.  UGH.  But we shall overcome.  Here is painting #17!  Wood panel...lots of texture, because I used a palette knife.  A quote from Helen Keller.  Much love to you.  Stay warm!!!!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #16

Hi pals!!!  So, as you can see, October is getting away from me, and FAST!  It's been a crazier month than I anticipated....so I'm going to let this challenge trickle into November a few days, and complete a few less paintings than I originally planned.  Ah....such is life.  But here is #16!  A quote from Anne Lamott about grace.  And who doesn't need a little more grace in their life?

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #15

Good morning friends, and happy Friday!  Here is painting #15!  All done!  Mixed media on a wood panel.  The quote from hilarious, brilliant, Tina Fey.  Love her.  Have you read her book, "Bossypants?" It's great!  Look it up!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #14

Here's #14.  Another mixed media on wood panel.  This quote really resonated with me.  

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #13

Hi again!  Here's painting #13 in my "what she said" series!  I adore all things Mary Oliver.  I use her books for meditation, and will often send her poems to friends.  This is another mixed media on wood panel.  I had a lot of fun with collage papers on this one.....it's got me eyeing old books and magazines in a new way!  

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #12

Happy Tuesday friends!  How's it going?  I'm returning to the studio today after having a FUN three day weekend getting away with the hubby for a concert, some shopping, and some eatin'. Good times!  But I'm ready to get back to the work table today, continuing this series, and also starting on some holiday ornaments for the season.

This is painting #12, featuring a quote from THE Janis Joplin.  One of the original bad asses.
Wood panel, mixed media.  More to come soon. Stay tuned!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #11

Hi gang!  Painting number 11 in my "What She Said" series is done, and it's a small chunky wooden panel with a Katharine Hepburn quote.  Lots of texture, collage paper and fun mark making.
Happy Sunday!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #10

Happy Saturday, friends!  Here's painting #10!!!  This is mixed media on paper.  You KNEW I had to include a Maya quote, didn't you?  She was a legend.  Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #9

Happy Friday morning pals!  It's a beautiful fall day here in Iowa.  The leaves are really starting to turn colors and drop all around us.  It's gorgeous out there!!!  I have some raking to do.

Here's painting #9...mixed media on heavy paper.  There are quite a few collage elements in this one as well as brush strokes.  Lots of fun to do!  Hope you have a gorgeous weekend, and we'll see you again soon!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #8

Good morning friends!  Happy Hump Day!  Our weather here in Iowa has taken the turn to FALL!  I love it!  Although, that means I have raking the yard in my future.  Ah well.  Onward!

Here's #8!!  I know...there are 4 mini's...and they aren't "famous quotes" but I'm counting them anyway! These are recycled vintage bingo cards!  Isn't that fun?  I created these fast and furious, and added messages that we all need to hear now and again. These would be so sweet tucked into a card for a friend, or left somewhere to brighten someone's day.  

Hope you all have a lovely day!

"What She Said" painting #7

Hi again!  How is your week going so far?  Doesn't it feel like October is flying right by?  It does to me....it's a little alarming...but there it is.  Here's painting #7!  A quote from Eleanor.  This is mixed media on a chunky wood panel.  The designs/marking continue around on all sides of the piece.  I love that....seeing the design continue around the corners.  Have a great day, friends.

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #6

Painting #6 was done on paper, 11x15. A quote from the incomparable Mother Teresa, of course. 

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #5

Hi there!  Here's painting #5.  I think this might be my new favorite quote.  Calamity Jane!  Look her up!  She was a bad ass!!!  This is mixed media...painting and collage on wood panel.  Lots of yummy texture and mark making.  Super fun to do!  

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #4

Good morning and happy Friday!!!  Here's painting #4!  Another mixed media on wood panel.  And this is just one of the best quotes ever, in my humble opinion.  Ha!!!  Have a lovely weekend, pals!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #3

Hi gang!  Here's painting number 3 in my month long challenge.  This is a wood panel as well.  I love the colors in this one.  Had lots of fun playing with that "acid yellow green".  And of course, love me an Ayn Rand quote.  Cheers, hope you are well.  -D

"What She Said" Painting Challenge #2

Good morning friends!  Here is painting number two in my daily challenge....a quote from Louisa May Alcott.  This is mixed media on wood panel....and I used a lot of collage paper in this one.  I'm really getting excited about different color combos too.....this has some elements I've not used before...it feels good!  Have a great day!

"What She Said" Painting Challenge - #1

Hi friends!  I'm behind in sharing these on my blog...hoping to get caught up today!!!  Our house has been buzzing the past few weeks with the excitement of adopting a rescue yellow lab.  She's the sweetest....more on her later....but we are reminded what an adjustment that is for everyone!! 

Here is painting number one in my series of "What She Said" paintings....pieces that feature a quotations from inspiring, kickass women.  All pieces will be available in my Etsy in early November.

Here's number one!  Inspiring words from Amelia.  Mixed media on wood canvas.  Lots of yummy texture.  I'm really into collage right now, including fabrics and found papers.  Hope you're having a lovely day!  XOXO  -D

What She Said - A daily painting challenge

Howdy pals!!!  Here's what I'll be up to the month of October!  I'm going to create a painting a day, most likely abstracts, and each one will feature a quote from an inspiring, kick ass woman.  I'll share them here daily, as well as on FB: Dori Patrick Art and on IG: @patrickdori.

They will be available in early November to purchase.  (sorry, I'm not holding items for folks)
I hope you enjoy!  And feel free to share YOUR favorite quote that inspires you! 
XOXO -Dori