Trio of Abstracts

Good morning pals!!!  Happy Monday!  Another week on the way!  What are you up to?  Here at the casa, the hubby and I are tackling little home projects here and there.  For me, more planting, weeding and mulching in one of our back retaining walls.  For him, cleaning out a long neglected closet so that I may expand my art storage in the office!  Hooray!  Nothing is done, and everything is halfway completed.  But we are making progress.  That counts for something, right? With the cool weather, we will likely work on it a bit here and there throughout the week.  This afternoon is going to be a FULL ON STUDIO DAY for me.  I'm itching to get my hands in some paint again, and I have a couple of special orders to complete.

Just thought I'd pop in and show you this trio.  I actually created the paintings a few weeks ago, and then found myself at a loss of what to do with them.  So they floundered and hung around the studio for a while before I figured it out!  

They measure 6"x6" and are done on this FABULOUS handmade paper I found when we were in Paris last year.  Heavy, textured, gorgeous cotton paper with a deckled edge.  I finally figured out, while perusing my frame collection, that I could mount the little paintings on a larger board (8"x8") and pop them into these graphic black frames I had on hand.  Bingo!  

The black frame is just what they needed to become cohesive, and to "pop", as they say in the biz. 
I listed them over the weekend, and they found their forever home....all three together!  Feeling so happy!  I mailed them off this morning. 

Some of these closeups give you an idea of the heavy texture in the paper, which I find so yummy!!!
Now the trick will be to avoid treating this paper as "precious" and just get back to slapping paint on a few new pieces!  Onward!  Have a wonderful week, friends!  

Oh, I almost forgot, I received official word this morning that Artfest Midwest in Des Moines has been cancelled due to covid19.  It's the right choice...the safe choice....but I know it was a tough choice.  I will miss seeing my Des Moines friends!!  But I look forward to seeing you next year!  Cheers, and make it a great day!  -Dori

Journal Spread Sharing on Hump Day

Good morning friends!  Happy Hump Day!  Has it been chilly where you are lately?  Here in Iowa, the nights have still been dipping down into the 30's and 40's.  I actually had to cover the flowers at the end of last week, due to a frost warning.  I'm hoping we are "over the hump" now.  I've still been working on planting/moving plants/weeding.  I try to do a little each day so it's not so exhausting and infuriating.....ha!!!  Today, I'll be picking up some dirt from a neighbor and filling in a shady bed that has eroded over time.  I'm still staying fairly busy in the studio, with some special orders, etc.  

Today I thought I'd share some pics of a journal spread I did a couple of weeks ago.  This is an old altered book....a discarded library book, picked up really cheap at a sale.  As you can see, I love me some color, and mark making!  Hope you have a wonderful day, and fabulous finish to your week.
Cheers, Dori

Teeny Tiny Itty Bitty Flower Paintings and other Distractions

Good morning kids!  How can we be nearly halfway through May already?  It just doesn't seem possible.  The weeks have been flying by, yet also feel 6 months long.  Definitely strange times we are living in.  How are you???  Are you sick of people asking that?  It's kind of my go to greeting in texts/emails/correspondence these days....I genuinely am curious, but don't blame you if you are sick of answering that question!  Ha!  I do hope you are hanging in there.  I guess right now, it's all about putting one foot in front of the other.....rinse....and repeat.  

To all the mamas....Happy Day after Mother's Day!!!! I hope it was grand, and you were spoiled!  I had a brief visit with my kiddos...the hubby made breakfast, and I may or may not have consumed a couple of glasses of champagne.  Feeling blessed, for sure.

About a week ago, my hubby and I took a lovely drive to Storm Lake to pick up the paintings from the Burn Bright show at Witter Gallery.  I am so grateful for that opportunity!!!  Cindy and the gang there made the most of a strange situation....that being, an exhibition during a pandemic.  They helped me promote it online with great photos, projects and videos, and I'm happy to report that several pieces were sold.  I loved working with them...they are good people.  

With that behind me, I've been focusing on other projects here at home.  I've been digging around in some flower beds, moving things around, and tackling a few more long overdue improvements around the painting the front door, and giving the back patio steps a fresh coat of paint.  I thought I'd pop in today with a burst of color, and show you the itty bitty teeny tiny flower bouquets I made recently.  I can't even tell you how much fun they were to do!  SO MUCH FUN!  These baby canvases measure 2" x 4".  Can you even stand it? These were snapped up in my Etsy shop....but I'll definitely make more.  Flowers continue to inspire me in my's hard to imagine ever stopping.  So I'll keep going.  Okay?  Okay.  

Happy Monday, peeps!  Keep putting that good shit out into the world.  We need it.  XOXO. -Dori