Mail Art Girls

Hey pals!!!  Thanks so much for all the Etsy love as of late!  You blew me away!  THANKS!  I've been in "re-entry" mode the past few days, having returned from the most amazing, once in a lifetime trip to Oaxaca, Mexico!  We (a group of ladies) stayed in the home of the lovely Lisa's....there are no words.  Not yet, anyway....I'm still processing!!!  So today, I've been sorting through and organizing photos, so I thought I'd share my "mail art girls". I sent these a while back to my sweet cousin and 2nd cousin....we were on a mail exchange kick for a bit, and you  But I'm glad a snapped a pic of these before I sent them off to their new homes....enjoy!  I love their message...stand in your own truth, friends!! More to come!