Art Journal Peek!

Happy Tuesday!  Here's a peek to a recent journal spread.  Sometimes, I swear, the secret to life is simply Standing. Up. One. More. Time.  XOXO

Art Journal Peek

Good morning friends, and happy March!  Although, it feels like the depth of January here, just sayin'.  My phone says is -7.  Ha!!!  BUT!!!  We will not let it dampen our spirits...spring will come!  We will just keep plodding along....until we are skipping again.  Right?

Here's a quick journal peek.  This is a spread I created LAST January...but realized I didn't share.  
Hopefully the colors and patterns will perk up your Monday morning.  I still love making those weird flowers.  And I love how that face turned out....need to work on more of those.  

Keep smiling!!!!  -Dori


You guys!!!  Thank you so much for your enthusiastic purchases of my flower paintings yesterday!!!  I'm tickled to say that they all found loving homes!  THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart!
I'll be working this weekend to get them packaged up and on their way to you, within the next couple of days!!!  THANKS!  

Flower Paintings Available in the Etsy shop this morning!

Today's the day!  The 28 February Flower paintings will be available in the Etsy shop!  I hope you are able to snag the one you want.  If not, don't worry....I'll keep painting!!!  Cheers!!!

Click HERE for the Etsy shop.