Keep Me Safe, I'll Keep you Wild!

Hello friends!  Happy Monday!  Did you have a lovely weekend?  We sure did! We spent time with friends, got a few things done around the house, walked and snuggled with the pups.  I did some planting in the back yard.  We finally saw Finding Dory, the movie.  SO CUTE!  Baby Dory is ADORABLE!  Just look at her.......her little buggy sweet!

 I've been sprucing around the house too...and this is a canvas that I recently completed for the fireplace mantel......

When I saw the quote, I thought it summed up Lovin' Man and I to a tee!  A tee! I am always jumping into "great ideas", and he helps to keep me from self imploding.  Ha!  I knew we needed it in our home.  The canvas is actually a recycled ugly thing from the clearance section in Hobby Lobby!  A good thing to remember....keep your eye out for old/clearance/ugly pieces of art already on a canvas, or in a frame, and RECYCLE!  Thrift stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army are great sources for ugly art in lovely, ornate frames.  Wishing you all a lovely day!  It's HOT here today, so I'm gonna stay in and PAINT!  WOO HOO!