It's July! What?

Good morning!  Happy July!!!  How are you all doing?  It is WARM and humid here in Iowa right now....but we are used to this by now.  Many of us have VOWED not to complain about the weather, as we are remembering the days of a long cold winter not so long ago.  Ha!

Just wanted to post a quick THANK YOU to everyone who came by Artfest Midwest last weekend!!!!  Wow!!!!! Lots of happy faces, and many pieces of art found their new forever homes!  Thanks so much for your enthusiasm and support.  It means the world to me!!!!  We were busy right out of the gate, so I failed to get any really decent pics of the booth.  But here we are on the second day of the show...a tad tired...but happy!  Lovin' Man is a life saver during shows.  He's my driver, pack mule, and snack purveyor.  He's a gem.  

Right now, I'm working to restock my local retail spot at Newbo Shops at 208, and get some new listings in the Etsy shop.  Then, it's time to get cracking again for my next event at the end of July....
if you are in the Wisconsin area....please stop by and say hi....

Have a great day, friends!!!!!  Stay cool!  -Dori