An Art Journal Peek!

Good morning friends!!!!  Happy Thursday!!!  I'm doing computer work today....getting images organized, etc.  And I came across these pics of a journal spread I created at least a year ago....maybe more.  This is the end of an altered book.  An old library book.  (see the pocket for the "check out card?")  I remember playing with chalks when I drew this.  Then spraying fixative, and then touches of acrylic paints.  I remember having fun.  That's what it's all about, eh?

Today, here in Iowa, we started in the 50 degree range, but I'm told the temp will drop swiftly back to the 30's again by afternoon.  It's dreary as can be, and the wind is howling.  It's a good day for the pups and I to stay indoors and savor another cup of coffee.  Hope you are well, friends.  XOXO -D