Weekend Shenanigans

Happy Tuesday morning!  How are you?  What's the weather like where you are?  Many of my friends and family members who suffer from allergies are really uncomfortable lately.  I've been sniffling a little bit too.  It's an ironic torture, because this is the time of year we want to be outside the MOST!  Sigh.  Oh well.  Here's what I've been up to the past few days.....
A snapshot of my booth on my front lawn...this one taken by me and my phone.

My sweet friend Torri stopped over on Friday with her camera, to take some good booth shots for me!  I've got these AWESOME mesh panels now, for hanging my artwork, and they are a a DREAM!  A dream, I tell you!  That's what I was lacking all those years.....a good way to display the wall art.  So, I hoping with her booth shot help, and some better shots of my current work, I'll be ready to apply for some art shows in the spring/summer of 2017!  Yippee!!!

Me, touching up the stars on our giant flutter-by!

Gae, putting her feet up and supervising.

In addition to running some errands and delivering some art to customers, I stopped over at Gae's shop and did some touching up on the butterfly wings.  There was one squirrely paint that I used that was different from the rest, it was the stars....and they faded.  (the butterfly is in a VERY sunny spot) So I jazzed them up again with some fresh paint.  I was rewarded with a truffle.....nothing wrong with that!

This is in our next door neighbor's front lawn.  That's my house...the yellow one on the right.  

Saturday night was our 10th-ish annual chili cook-off in the neighborhood.  Here's a pic of the festivities under way.....it's such a fun time!!!!  The winner who took home the coveted "silver" ladle (Oh yeah, there's a trophy, a ballet box and everything) was a KIDDO!!!!  Pretty awesome!!! 

Well, I'm off to bake some banana bread for tonight's journal junkie hang out!