28 Flowers in 28 days - A Creative Challenge

I'm giving myself a little creative challenge to help me get through this thing called February. I'm going to create a new flower painting each day of the month!!!  I originally thought I'd give myself some parameters on size...but I think I'm just gonna paint whatever I feel like painting that day. (yesterday's was on an old book cover, and I'll share that soon)

I'll post them here on the blog, on my Facebook art page, and on instagram. They will be for sale on March 1st in the Etsy shop. I'll announce that when it happens, so you can be in the know! (sorry, I'm not going to hold pieces for folks...that's a bit more than I want to keep track of right now.)

I hope you enjoy seeing some pops of color in your February news feed! Cheers, friends!!! -Dori