Collaboration Sneak Peek

Hi guys!  Whoa...the wind is really howling today.  The hubby had to go out for a couple of hours this afternoon, but otherwise, we've been tucked in like bugs in rugs, waiting out the latest deep freeze.  But!  The good news is I'm staying busy in the studio...lots to do!

I'm interrupting your regularly scheduled flower painting post to give you a little sneak peek at a collaboration project I'm working on with my friend Gae.  I can only show you snippets right now....but the gist of it is I'm applying surface design to the inside of some shadowboxes, and then I pass them on to her, and she responds to my work with her own sculpture/assemblage work.  It's gonna be fun!  We will reveal the whole project in May, where they will be on display in her chocolate shop. Yep, it's cool to have a chocolatier for a friend.  Hee hee!   

I highly recommend trying out a collaboration with an artist you admire.  It's such a fun challenge to play off of each other's strengths, and see what develops.  Give it a try sometime! 

Hope your Sunday evening is a peaceful one.  See you again soon!