Update on Burn Bright Exhibit in Storm Lake

Hello friends!!!!  It's been a while since I've checked in....just wanted to post a quick update about the Burn Bright exhibit happening at Witter Gallery in Storm Lake:  just like everyone else, they are taking proper precautions and closing for now.  Which means our meet and greet scheduled for today is also postponed/cancelled.  We are going to take this week by week, and see how things go.  The paintings will likely be up a little longer than originally planned, and I'll be sharing pics of the show on social media as the days go by. 

BIG THANK YOU to Cindy and the folks at Witter Gallery for being so supportive and positive in this time of uncertainty.  We are gonna make it, friends!!!  Take good care of each other, and hopefully I'll see you again soon!  Cheers!  -Dori