Moving my Hands in the Journal, waiting on the Cedar

Good morning friends!  Thought I would pop in, say "HEY" and share a couple pages in my journal from yesterday....which was an angsty day.  Our lovely city of Cedar Rapids is facing down another big flood.  2nd highest in the history of their keeping records....we are expecting the crest tonight, or early tomorrow morning. The good news is, we are much more prepared than the last time....2008, which was the worst on record, EVER.  So yeah, we are a little twitchy....but we're gonna make it.  Besides that, just the "climate" of this country is making me twitchy as well...and hopeless.  In which case all I can do is MOVE MY HANDS.  Add beauty and sweetness to the ugliness.  And wait.

P.S.  Our home is safe, thanks to those of you who have reached out.  The Patricks are a few of the lucky ones.  XOXO